

2017年4月19日 星期三



       ---可以使白內障老花眼手術更加完美 驚



經過蕭醫師詳細眼科檢查,包括:裂隙燈檢查Slit Lamp、視野檢查Visual Field、視神經視網膜斷層掃描Optical Coherence TomographyOCT、眼前房斷層掃描Pentacam、光學生物測量儀Lenstar LS900、眼球結構超音波A-Scan Sonography、眼底散瞳檢查……等等,認為她是單純白內障問題,因此建議可植入五合一多焦點人工水晶體(ReSTOR TORIC IOL)藉由 貝爾特(Barrett Toric Algorithm)散光計算公式及威力揚定位系統(VERION Image Guided System)在手術中可微調出精細的散光度數及軸度,期待能達到最精準的手術矯正治療。植入多焦點的人工水晶體,如果沒有調整到正確的散光軸度及度數,將會使多焦點水晶體的效果大打折扣,相當可惜。

女士在術後第1週回診,經檢查結果右眼視力看遠、看近皆可達1.0 (20/20),曾女士覺得視力看遠看近都變好,散光精準矯正後視力變得非常清晰,現在在教會做禮拜時,連聖經裡小小的字都可以看得很清楚,聖詩的歌譜當然更沒問題,日常生活也方便許多,她非常滿意這次的老花眼、散光、白內障手術效果,很感謝新眼光醫療團隊的細心照顧與治療。



Dr. Barrett said that it is unique because it takes into account the posterior cornea and considers lens position for each individual patient versus using what is known about the average eye. My formula uses the Universal II, which is a method of predicting IOL power to work out where the lens is and uses that to calculate what is the effect of the cylinder power at the cornea.

The toric calculator by Barrett is based on his well proven Universal II formula.

a. Dynamic calculation of the lens position for cylinder power transformation to the corneal plane as well as consideration of the anterior and the posterior corneal curvature for cylinder power and axis calculation.

b. Considering the thickness and shape of the lens as well, which provides a more sophisticated way of predicting and translating the cylinder power, he said.

c. The formula is able to predict posterior corneal curvature without actually measuring it.

  新眼光眼科診所   官網

新眼光眼科診所   粉絲團

