

2014年5月1日 星期四

泳鏡防霧劑入眼~灼傷眼角膜! ~爆痛!

  泳鏡防霧劑入眼~灼傷眼角膜! ~爆痛!



一般防霧劑主要成分是酒精、介面活性劑(alkali ethyl ester),它使泳鏡的鏡面形成親水性(hydrophilic)表面,不集結小水霧滴於鏡面表面,達到在游泳時不會起霧而有防霧的效果,但使用時應注意勿噴灑過量,只需能覆蓋鏡片表面即可,噴完需靜置2-3分鐘或者以清水漂洗過較為安全。如果真的不慎讓這化學藥劑進入眼睛,應即刻以生理食鹽水沖洗眼睛,並盡速找眼科就診。




Anti-fog  Wikipedia 

Anti-fog agents, also known as anti-fogging agents and treatments, are chemicals that prevent the condensation of water in the form of small droplets on a surface which resemble fog. Anti-fog treatments were first developed by NASA during Project Gemini, and are now often used on transparent glass or plastic surfaces used in opticalapplications, such as the lenses and mirrors found in glasses, goggles, camera lenses, and binoculars. A-fog treatments work by minimizing surface tension, resulting in a non-scattering film of water instead of single droplets, an effect called wetting. Anti-fog treatments usually work either by application of a surfactant film, or by creating a hydrophilicsurface.

Anti-fog agents were initially developed by NASA during the Project Gemini, for use on helmet visors. During Gemini 9A, in June 1966, Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan tested NASA's first space suit, and discovered during the space walk that his helmet visor fogged, among other issues.[1] Cernan's suit was tested using the Spacecraft 9 life support system after the flight, when it was discovered that a small patch of the visor treated with an anti-fog solution remained clear of condensation. Later Gemini flights all included the anti-fog solution, for application prior to the space walk occurring.

Anti-fog agents are usually available as spray solutions, creams and gels, and wet wipes, while more resistant coatings are often applied during complex manufacturing processes. Anti-fog additives can also be added to plastics where they exude from the inside to the surface. 

