

2017年12月10日 星期日






20176 國際醫學新聞:





 新眼光眼科診所   官網

新眼光眼科診所   粉絲團

2017年11月23日 星期四

70歲的病人還可以讓媽媽陪看病~驚嚇也溫暖 - 視網膜裂孔(Retinal break)












  新眼光眼科診所   官網

2017年10月13日 星期五

白內障追蹤定位手術--- 精準植入光動科技進階多焦點人工水晶體



Customized Phacoemulsification with VERION Image Guided System --- Alcon PanOptix IOL for Micro-incision Cataract surgery

                                                       Sep. 25. 2017


醫師詳細檢查後診斷有雙眼白內障、老花眼、高度近視問題,因此藉著這次白內障手術中,為雷女士植入最新『光動科技』設計的可舒諦視進階多焦點人工水晶體(Alcon PanOptix IOL, ENLIGHTEN),可一併解決高度近視、老花眼的困擾。

女士在術後第1週回診,經檢查結果雙眼視力看遠可達1.0 (20/20)及看近可達J1(1.0視力),雷女士相當驚訝視力看遠、看中、看近都變好了,加上此種人工水晶體運用『光動科技』,提升光能利用率,減低光干擾設計;因此瞳孔依賴度低,即使光線昏暗下也絲毫不影響看近閱讀、看手機的清晰度!!

新聞(蕭裕泉醫師專訪) https://m.healthnews.com.tw/news/article/34952










 新眼光眼科診所   官網

新眼光眼科診所   粉絲團

2017年9月18日 星期一




(影片4:53 影片含手術過程)

Customized Phacoemulsification with VERION Image Guided System ---TECNIS Symfony Toric IOL for Micro-incision Cataract surgery

July. 31. 2017





為了在手術中精準植入高階全焦段散光人工水晶體(TECNIS Symfony Toric IOL),必須藉由威力揚定位系統(VERION Image Guided System)達到最精準的手術矯正治療術後簡先生覺得視力看遠看近都變好,也覺得更有自信,視力甚至比年輕時看得更加清楚,不論白天或夜間開車都清晰銳利。




















Liam Jordan, Associate Editor


New Torics: What You Need to Know

An in-depth look at the Symfony, ReSTOR and enVista toric lenses.

For years, surgeons outside of the United States have had access to more varieties of toric intraocular lenses than their U.S. counterparts. However, thanks to the recent approval of Alcon’s ReSTOR +3 D multifocal toric and Abbott’s Symfony, as well as a new lens in the pipeline, U.S. surgeons’ options are multiplying. More options, however, means more information to sift through as you put these new lenses into practice. In this article, experienced surgeons offer their insights into the new lenses, both approved and on the horizon, focusing on the AMO Symfony, the ReSTOR +3 D multifocal toric and Bausch + Lomb’s enVista toric, which is currently in trials. 

AMO’s Symfony Toric

The recently approved Symfony toric sets itself apart from similar lenses by being the only extended depth of focus lens approved in the United States. This hydrophobic, acrylic EDOF lens is able to achieve this extended-depth-of-focus through some unique design elements. The Symfony has a defractive grating on its face, similar to multifocal lenses, but has some significant differences. The ring structures have z-shaped echelette formations that elongate the focus area, rather than splitting and dispersing the light. 

Jim Loden, MD, an ophthalmologist based in Nashville, provides some


The Symfony has four toric models to correct up to approximately 3 D of stigmatism at the corneal plane.

insight into the Symfony’s design: “We’re able to achieve an extended depth of focus through the manipulation of chromatic aberration,” he says. The spherical shape of the lens and the hydrophobic acrylic material elongate the depth of field. By addressing the chromatic aberration, you maintain a higher modulation transfer function and decrease the loss of contrast sensitivity you usually find with traditional multifocal lenses.” The design manipulates the chromatic aberration so that instead of dispersing the light, it helps collapse it into a tight region of focus, which improves contrast sensitivity. 

The Symfony has four toric models to correct up to approximately 3 D of astigmatism at the corneal plane. Models ZXT150, ZXT225, ZXT300 and ZXT375 correct 1.03 D, 1.54 D, 2.06 D and 2.57 D of astigmatism at the corneal plane, respectively. “For treating more than that, we have the option of doing bioptics,” says Dr. Loden. “I leave the patient with compound myopic astigmatism; I intentionally leave him with nearsightedness in the IOL calculation. Then I can just do LASIK surgery to correct the rest of the astigmatism. Say someone has six diopters of astigmatism preop. You’re going to get three diopters of it with the Symfony toric and correct 2.75 to three through the refractive surgery, depending on the calculation.”

In terms of postop rotation, Dr. Loden claims that it’s minimal. Because the Symfony lens is similar to the TECNIS Toric IOL, the FDA drew from the TECNIS Toric approval data, which reported that of the first eyes done with the toric lens, 97 percent had <10 degrees of rotation from baseline to six months. “I have presented that data, and I’m basically seeing zero rotation,” he says. “I have not come back and repositioned a Symfony toric yet. For those saying the lens is more prone to rotate, I’m not seeing that at all.” The same study reported more than 90 percent of eyes having ≤5 degrees of axis change between consecutive visits three months apart. 

Sioux City, Iowa, surgeon Jason Jones, MD, offers these tips for reducing the risk of rotational issues. “The first is to have a very clean surgical experience without any zonular compromise and have the capsulorhexis overlap the optic for 360 degrees,” he says. “Then, ensure you have complete viscoelastic removal from the posterior surface of the IOL. In my experience, I find that if I evacuate the viscoelastic from beneath the optic, it will disappear [from my view]. However, if I then rotate the lens 180 degrees and go behind the optic again, I’ll sometimes find a very small amount of viscoelastic remaining.

“In addition, though you of course leave the eye nicely closed and secure in terms of the wound, you might want the IOP to be a little lower than with a non-toric lens,” Dr. Jones adds. “This is so you don’t hyperinflate the capsular bag and the anterior segment, and instead have it ‘collapse’ around the haptic peripherally, if you will. 

“If you want to avoid a rotational issue, I’d look into a capsular tension ring,” he continues. “The first option along these lines would be a regular CTR that most surgeons are familiar with. This will help ensure the capsular bag is symmetrically expanded and that there’s no ovalization of the peripheral capsule. Ovalization can permit the lens to rotate, and this helps prevent that. The other strategy, though I don’t use it routinely, is to use a Henderson CTR. This device has undulations in the ring structure and it, theoretically, provides an interface for the haptics to interact with, peripherally, thus preventing a rotational problem. The last strategy—which most surgeons probably won’t want to employ—is to do some form of optic capture,” he continues. “In some circumstances you can consider a reverse optic capture in which the haptics are in the bag and the optic is prolapsed through the anterior capsulorhexis. I tend to avoid this in the Tecnis single-piece family because the optic has fairly thick peripheral structure and has a squared-off anterior and posterior edge, and I want to avoid any potential iris chafe. Other single-piece acrylic lenses from other manufacturers might be more agreeable to this strategy, however. For the Tecnis monofocal toric lenses, I’ve also employed optic capture through a posterior capsulorhexis, both secondarily in patients who experience rotation and in primary cases in which I want to avoid rotation. Though this ensures no postop rotation, it’s not for the faint of heart, since you must be willing and able to perform a posterior capsulorhexis.”

To aid in the implantation of the new toric Symfony, Abbott offers an online calculator. Visit it at https://www.amoeasy.com. 

新眼光眼科診所   官網

新眼光眼科診所   粉絲團


2017年7月31日 星期一




植入高階多焦點散光人工水晶體(PhysIOL FineVision Trifocal Toric IOL),藉由威力揚定位系統(VERION Image Guided System)在手術中可精準植入高階多焦點散光人工水晶體,期待能達到最正確的手術矯正治療。植入高階多焦點散光的人工水晶體,如果沒有對準到視軸中心(Visual axis),或是散光軸度(Astigmatism axis)沒有對準,將會使多焦點散光人工水晶體的效果大打折扣,相當可惜。



2017年7月24日 星期一

嬰幼兒童視力篩檢新時代來臨了-光導波折射驗光儀(ADAPTICA 2 WIN)

嬰幼兒童視力篩檢新時代來臨了-光導波折射驗光儀(ADAPTICA 2 WIN) 

本診所於20176購進專門檢查嬰幼兒童視力屈光度數的儀器-『光導波折射驗光儀』(ADAPTICA 2 WIN),能檢測出3個月大至3歲的嬰幼兒視力狀況,提早發現弱視及斜視(Ambyopia/Strabismus)的可能,可以量出近視(myopia)、遠視(hyperopia)、散光(astigmatism)、瞳孔距離(pupil distance)、眼位注視等數據。

檢查過程為全自動拍攝,由醫師親自操作,有音樂可以吸引小兒注意,成功率及準確度近98%。此檢查屬預防保健項目,因此健保並無給付,自費檢查費用約NT 1000元檢查結束後會列印報告,供家長參考及保存。 


The 2WIN main applications:
  • Binocular refraction measurement in natural vision conditions.
  • Refractive errors – Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other amblyogenic factors. Un-aided binocular refraction of all other patients.
  • Refraction of infants and children from 2 months of age, seniors, impaired and non-cooperative patients.
  • Early detection and documentation of multiple amblyogenic factors. Un-aided binocular refraction of all other patients.
  • Sight anomalies that may be related to anisometropia, anisocoria, strabismus, phoria.
  • Pupil parameters – pupil size, pupil distance and head tilt.
  • Automatic measurement of dynamic pupils response to programmable light stimulations.
  • Over-refraction with glasses or contact lenses.
  • Lens centering on spectacle frames.

Extended Range Refraction and Zoom [EZ-App]
The 2WIN measures spherical power in the range of -15D to +15D, being the only mobile, hand-held instrument to provide such extended measurement range.
The 2WIN measurement principle is eccentric photo-retinoscopy. InfraRed (IR) light is projected through the patient pupils and onto the retina. Depending upon the refractive error, the reflected light forms a specific crescent-shaped brightness pattern within the pupil. The 2WIN measures spherical power, cylinder power and axis by interpreting the reflected light crescent pattern and position.
Zoom of InfraRed Retinoscopy Images
Automatic zoom of InfraRed retinoscopy enables detection of artifacts due to other abnormalities (opacities such as cataracts, foreign bodies, etc.).
Corneal Reflexes Application [CR-App]
Thanks to the “Analysis of Corneal Reflexes”, the 2WIN can help your daily work by automating the analysis of refraction with a documented information of phorias and tropias (horizontal and vertical). This application provides complete information regarding the position of corneal reflexes.
Dynamic Pupillometry [DP-App]
Automatic measurement of dynamic pupil response to programmable light stimulations enables the detection of subtle pupillary changes, removing subjectivity from the pupillary evaluation.
Intermediate Distance Application [66cm-App]
Thanks to the 2WIN application “Intermediate Distance”, it is possible to identify the difficulties in focusing at VDUs Distance and to estimate the power of the additional lens needed on top of the prescription.
The 2WIN measures the patient’s refraction while reading from VDUs, at a distance of 66 cm (2’). In all those cases when reading at such distance proves difficult, the 2WIN calculates the necessary additional power (ADD) to restore the best vision. The application requires the use of an additional lens that is inserted in the central aperture of the 2WIN; the additional add-on lens together with a 66 cm reading chart compose the kit.
Lens Centering on Frames [LC-App]
This feature allows to accurately center spectacle lenses with reference to the actual visual axis of the eye (cornel reflex) for better vision comfort.